IDetailLayoutBuilder incorrectly reports properties as visible when they have been hidden and more importantly refuses to hide “inner properties” (meta ShowOnlyInnerProperties). What is wrong with my code??
auto HidePropertiesRecursive = [&DetailBuilder](auto&& HidePropertiesRecursive, const FString& InPropertyName, const UClass* InContainerClass) -> bool {
if (!IsValid(InContainerClass))) {
// Irrelevant.
return false;
TSharedRef<IPropertyHandle> PropHandleX = DetailBuilder.GetProperty(FName(InPropertyName), InContainerClass);
CUR_LOG(LogCorePluginEditor, VeryVerbose, "%s: Attempt hide for: %s.", *InContainerClass->GetName(), *InPropertyName);
if (PropHandleX->HasMetaData(TEXT("ShowOnlyInnerProperties"))) {
CUR_LOG(LogCorePluginEditor, VeryVerbose, "Recurse into inner property.");
uint32 OutNum = 0;
for (uint32 i = 0; i < OutNum; i++) {
TSharedPtr<IPropertyHandle> PropY = PropHandleX->GetChildHandle(i);
if (!PropY->GetProperty()) {
return false;
if (// Must recurse into the property on the same parent first.
!HidePropertiesRecursive(HidePropertiesRecursive, PropY->GetProperty()->GetNameCPP(), InContainerClass)
// Attempt to search inner property on parent class.
&& !HidePropertiesRecursive(HidePropertiesRecursive, PropY->GetProperty()->GetNameCPP(), InContainerClass->GetSuperClass())
) {
return false;
// Success if we reach this point.
return true;
// If we did not have to recurse into an inner property, we can try to hide it.
if (DetailBuilder.IsPropertyVisible(PropHandleX)) {
// Still visible (failure). Try on the parent class. We must have an exact match where the property was declared.
return HidePropertiesRecursive(HidePropertiesRecursive, InPropertyName, InContainerClass->GetSuperClass());
// Success.
return true;
Attempt hide for: ThatProperty.
SomeClass: Attempt hide for: ThatProperty.
Recurse into inner property.
SomeClass: Attempt hide for: SomeInnerProperty.
SomeParentClass: Attempt hide for: SomeInnerProperty.
SomeParentClass: Attempt hide for: SomeInnerProperty.
After returning false on the initial call for ThatProperty:
Could not hide the property: ThatProperty.