Hide mouse cursor during startup movies?

Is it possible to hide the Windows mouse cursor during the startup movies (using the default movie player) using C++?

// Get the Player Controller

APlayerController* PlayerController = Cast(GetController());

// Hide the mouse cursor

PlayerController->bShowMouseCursor = false;

Thanks - where exactly would this code go in the engine or game-side startup flow? My understanding is that the startup movies happen as part of the engine PreInit(), before the game modules are loaded. I tried putting a breakpoint on APlayerController::ShouldShowMouseCursor() and it doesn’t get hit until after the startup movies and the level has loaded.

Cool that’s what I thought - thanks anyway, I’ll check out media framework!

Sorry, I don’t think it is possible if you use the default “Project->Movies->Startup Movie”. As you mentioned it, it runs during the engine startup.

To have more control I would recommend using the newer media framework.