Hi! First you may need to know that I am new in Unreal Engine 4.
Second I just made a big donut in “Autodesk Maya 2017” that I need to export to Unreal Engine 4, which is this:
Third I tried to press on all these buttons:
- Export all
- Export selection
- Send To Unreal > All + Selection + Set Unreal Project
And saved the same file over and over again as a ‘.fbx’ file, replacing many times the file and trying to export it to Unreal Engine 4.
Fourth when I import the file in UE4 I get this error…:
Failed to import ‘…/…/…/…/…/…/Users/myname/Desktop/donut.fbx’. Failed to create asset '/Game/donut. Please see Output Log for details.
Fifth Can you help me to finally import the big donut into Unreal Engine 4 successfully? Please?