Hi All! Why is this black square appeared when i render?

Screenshot 2023-07-21 145700

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Hey there @sofianramli! Welcome to the community! It’s possible that it has to do with Anti-Aliasing or a post processing effect that is failing. In your render settings, can you change your Anti Aliasing type to MSAA, FXAA or none and see if they change the outcome?

Hi! Thanks for the suggestion, but the outcome is still the same, just lesser. I have read from others who have a similar problem, and nobody can actually fix this issue for now :frowning:

Hmm, if possible, can you disable all post processing to test and see if it’s related at all?

Try disabling bloom, I’ve occasionally seen that happen before when convolution bloom breaks in some unexpected way.

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Still same :frowning: Thank you

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Hey jblackwell :slight_smile: Yeah its working!. but i wanted the bloom effects…

Hello everyone! After testing all the possibilities and suggestions from the DevCommunity and various forums with others who had a similar problem, it turned out that different projects have different solutions. In my case, there was actually just a very small mistake I made. Two faces from the same mesh were colliding with each other, and had emissive materials. If anyone has a scene with lots of emissive materials and encounters this issue, you can follow these steps:

  1. Turn on LIT mode.
  2. Check each mesh one by one.
  3. Identify which mesh with emissive material turns to a white color (not the material’s actual color).
  4. Then, fix it accordingly.

I hope this information helps! Thank you for your support and contributions in the forums.



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