HH Advanced Weapon Blueprint

Hi HorusHeretic,

Thank you for creating this.
I’m trying to create a project as I cannot seem to add this to an existing one, but the problem is the default .uproject file is over 25 characters. It’s asking me to shorten it, but I cannot change the .uproject filename.

Sorry, I cannot seem to be able to delete my last message. I derped. Thanks :slight_smile:
now to figure out how to add it into my existing project.

Hey, Great Product, but one question, How would I go about adding a weapon reload animation, for the character and the weapon, mostly the character! Thanks!

Will this allow me to have a weapon that shoots like a stream of water or fire. Maybe be able to create a flamethrower or water hose?

Updated with all new videos, updated first post :slight_smile:


Simple bullet drop for projectiles AND line trace is being worked on, it wont be real world physics, just something simple. Line trace was a bit tricky, but its mostly functional atm.


Might develop this into more of an actual shooter if this is something enough people are interested in.

@HorusHeretic Great system, I’ve been working on a game for a few years now, and HH Advanced is integrated well in the project.
The issue I have is that there’s so many variables such as things like Damage Morale, and a few “Area Effect” variables that I’m unsure of in terms of what they specifically do. Is there a way you could do a quick video and just explain some of the variables - or do you have a wiki? Thanks!

@Rusty01 Hello, sorry I couldnt get to this earlier. Real life and other projects gets in the way often. If theres any specifics you’d like to know, I’ll try to do my best to answer them here.

Some things like “damage morale” are just some left over ideas that I had thought about from coding other projects and was possibly thinking about having full implementations for. But then I thought about what that would really entail for a game and there are lots of differing ways to use it so I thought it best to just have it as a reference or hook that someone could just use for their own implementation.

Ive tried to keep most things self explanatory but I’ll have a quick look at the project and see what i can dig up.

Area effect options:

Damage radius:
The radius of the AoE

Inside the area effect radius, there are zones and this is the distance to that. So if you have a grenade at short distance witch may be 200, anything up to that could do full damage, while anything beyond could do less.

Falloff Damage Modifier:
This is a multiplier of the damage given to each fall of zone of the same name.

Area Effect Max Range Damage: (This could be a little confusing)
This is set as 0 Initially. If you have set a Radius for example 500, but you have set the distant category range to say 350, then anything after that will take 0 Damage. Its there because ifyou want a specific “safe” zone for something, or you want more damage the further away from the impact.


Round Modifiers:
This is a method of adding something like, every 3rd round fired, the shot does extra damage or whatever. to do that, just add 3 modifers to the array and on the 3rd one set what you want changed on that round. It will loop round the array and start over.

Critical Component damage.:
One of the character armour types is Called Critical component. This can be used as armour, maybe a weakpoint, an object like a gunner in a tank or its engine. Those points have health options and have the option to be damaged or destroyed and when they reach 0 then they no longer provide any protection.

Fire Type:

Fire Mode Enum: Line Drop.
Though not implemented, this was going to be similar to cone area effect, but imagine it as a rectangle or box instead. This option was added in because i was thinking of some RTS/ARPG mechanics at the time and I figured cone option was good enough.

Trace Object types:
These are the collision types you can hit.

Cone trace substepping:
Conetrace is normally based on a sphere, with hits within a certain radius. Depending on the game and how its used, it could be more or less performant. Substepping projects out smaller to larger capsules instead and substep count is how many capsules are projected out in the cone.

Start radius is the big the first capsule is, and end radius is how large the last capsule is.


Shell Normalisation:
Erm this one is a bit more complicated to explain. You fire at a wall. if you are facing at it perfectly, then the projectile has a better chance of damaging or piercing it because it has less of the wall to go through… however if you start to fire at the wall at an angle, then you start having more of the wall to fire through, so it becomes harder to pierce or has a better to ricochet. this number basically allows a bit of leeway of what angles can penetrate better. Look up the “World of tanks” shell pentration and ricochet mechanics to get a representation of what this does.


Recoil Bias Vertical/ Horizontal.
These change which directions the recoil will favour. If you like weapons to aim up as you recoil, then have it biased more in the vertical.

I think thats the more confusing stuff for now.

Will you be updating to 4.26?