Choose which mesh, firing effects, sounds and animations the weapon uses.
Impact sounds, effects and decals are physical material based.
Can increase the scatter when moving and firing
There is also a limit you can adjust to the maximum scatter bloom
The scatter bloom updates via UMG to show on screen
Can change how fast the bloom will contract, and retract which also gives added depth to the weapon
overall range tweak if you want weapons to be more or less accurate over distances
Use the ammo pool or magazine system
Option to use ammo, useful for things like unlimited ammo cheats and weapons that may charge up for example
Option to cost more ammo per shot
Armour Piercing:
Impact calculated or percentile based options
Percentile based gets the armour of the target and just reduces it by an amount
Impact calculated gets the direction of the attack, the thickness of target armour and calculates whether it was successful or not.
Can pierce through multiple targets and even reduce over distance and amount of penetrations.
Charge up and diminish
Can be used in several ways, such as having a fully charged weapon that uses charge per shot, then you have to refill it (or discard the weapon halo style)
You can charge up a weapon and have it fire on release (like spartan laser halo weapon)
You can have charge up weapons diminish charge over time also.
Critical component and locations:
The Critical Component not only serves as Armour or a hit location, but has modifiers that can affect the player or do increased damage if hit there. Headshots? You have that. Minor damage by being shot in the finger? Then you can add that too.
Damage over Distance:
Short, medium, long, far and max distances
A multiplier for each distance, allows weapons like shotguns to be less effective the further the target is or have a sniper rifle do badly at close range.
Fire Modes:
Single shot, burst and fully automatic modes
Add fire mode options to a weapon and change through them. Example: semi auto pistol, with a burst mode.
Can change how many shots fired per burst
Change the fire rate of the weapon in RPM
Projectiles fired Per Shot allow weapons like shotguns with minimal effort.
Min and max damage for random variance
Current Round Counter for extra damage based on what number bullet you are currently on
Over heating and cool down:
Allows weapons to overheat
can also be used as a windup mechanic to allow weapons to fire (think of mini-gun barrels needing to spin first)
Heats per shot
Cool down delays and force cool down on reloads
Random and smoothed
You can adjust how much recoil there is for left, right, up and down.
There is also the option to have recoil bias which will make the recoil favour a side more than the other. up/down and left/right.
Option for automatic reloads
Change the reload duration
Animation scaling
Option for no reloads (useful for cheats etc)
Active reloading mechanics gears of war style.
Can be either line trace or a physical projectile. Both have an area effect option which is useful for rocket launchers
Can fire multiple per shot. Useful for shotguns
Option to switch from projectile or line trace.
Can home in on targets. Can have multi locked targets and fire a projectile at each
Cone Trace:
Can be used for simple spray type weapons such as flamers or other unique weapons.
Currently includes damage over distance and percentile based armour piercing mechanics.
2 different trace settings can improve performance based on the type of game you need it for.
Can be used on projectiles and tracers.
Set amount of ricochets
Camera Support:
Supports 1st and 3rd person camera modes, easily toggled by a button
Just barely caught back up with this thread! Still really interested in this blueprint. Looks like it has a huge range of properties to create an immense amount of crazy weapons. Just wondering if there would be options for ballistic penetration. Hope to see more soon!
In which kind of way? Something similar to world of tanks?
If so that would mean adding in armour thickness and armour angles, possibly having weight or calibre of each shell into math as well.
Then it would require adding lots of hit boxes to things that you’d want to have the effect which would tell the weapon what angle and armour thickness it is.
Totally doable, but currently working on another project (and gives me time to figure out the code too xD ).
Not sure how world of tanks does it… Actually I’m not even sure if ballistic penetration was the correct term to use. I’m thinking of games where bullets/projectiles can penetrate through certain objects and can continue with less damage (until reaching a certain limit). Thanks for the answer though!
(edit) I’m guessing your other project is the dialogue system? Looks great too but hoping to hear more of this in the near future! GL!
Scroll down to armour penetration, they have it described there. It’s a bit mathy.
Although if you don’t care for more realistic penetration, the you could still do the hitbox (or even just a descriptor of sort on a character or object) detection and say “yes this is wood, we can penetrate that” and then reduce the damage by however much you want. This would be quite easy to implement as the weapon detects armour already but is just using a simple line trace. I’d just have to switch it for multi line and add damage reduction to anything after.
Yep! It would be something along those lines as a simple this ‘object allows piercing with a certain amount of damage reduction’ as you stated. It could work around with your armour piercing values where higher AP allows more damage to carry through (maybe). But Im just rambling, eventually if your pack releases Ill for sure try messing around with creating this. I know youre busy with other things and I appreciate you taking the time to respond.
Weapon penetration based on armour angle and thickness of the armour.
Weapons now have the option to have the simple penetration which will just have the original armour modifier or you can use the advanced version, which will read the armour value of the target. It will find the hit angle and then use that to improve the armour value on comparison to the weapons penetration value. If the penetration value is higher than the “effective” armour value then damage happen. if not then no damage.
The different penetration values there are because I’ve added a min and max modifier of 25% to add a bit of variety, chance and dumb luck.
Multiple penetration of course will work with this too.
Here is an idea of what the armour angles are actually doing:
They are just purely there for something else to look at other than the stock Unreal engine 4 gun as i was going crazy just looking at it all the time, hence “Test meshes”.
But blueprint wise, i should add, you can create most weapons you can think of.
Rocket launchers, sniper rifles, pistols, smgs, rifles, charge up weapons, over heating weapons. Its the whole purpose of it, to be all encompassing as possible. theres options to turn off/onn the bits you do or don’t want based on your needs.
I just noticed that the price of this is insanely high, $137.59 CAD. I understand you put a lot of work and effort into this, but with a price so high, you’re bound to lose out on interested customers like me. Something that would at least make the price a little more acceptable would be to release a demo show casing all the functions so we know how weapons feel and handle.
The website isn’t the best here, but out of that I’d get £70 (I’m in the uk.) I’d rather have it on the market place where it would be a lot more cheaper for everyone and I’d still get something decent out of it too. Plus when i have more time not looking for work, i actually do plan on having more videos and documentation support for this, though I’ve tried to keep it straightforward where possible. Also considering how much of a large mechanic this is, i feel the cost justifies itself considering if you end up using it and selling games.
If you still feel it’s a high price for you, then wait until its up on the marketplace.
Edit: I’ve reduced it by £15($30 cad) as i am currently in a good mood
If you wanted to change each part of a weapon, say like the barrel, the stock, receiver then all you’d have to do is add more staticmesh/ skeletal mesh components and add the blueprint code to switch those parts using UMG or what other method you’d like.
Just make sure each part is connected to a custom socket on each part of the mesh.
I have it a similar system in the RPG i am making:
Awesome stuff HorusHeretic, Im loving it!
Dont know if this question has been answered before, cant see it here, but how easy is it to implement your own character with all this? Is the code all in blueprints? The FPS you have now is that the arms only mesh or is it the full UE4 Skeleton.
How easy will it be for a moderate UE4 Blueprint user to change the character to a custom character and have both FPS and TPS included
Everything control wise such as picking up the weapon, and switching them is currently on the character. The character on “Begin Play” will check if there is a weapon blueprint already placed in the world. If not it will spawn one for you. You can connect the attach to actor node back up if you want to start with a weapon from the get go.
I hate typing things when i can look at things work and see all the wires illuminate different pretty colours on execution… short answer is all blueprint.
Just the First person shooter arms. I guess you could hook up the owen anims to manni (however its spelled) and have that going for you.
If you want the character to change from 3rd and first person, you’d need to know how to do that. Its simple enough. I will probably add that in an update if i have time to spare.
The weapon just gets attached to the character and is hidden when not in use, so you’d have to make sure it gets attached to the right socket when you change the camera view.