Hi all, I am working on a project for myself and am using URE to build a whole continent. I need a little help though as I not sure how to go about this.
I have seen tutorials on level streaming and such but I don’t see this will help. the would i am creating is quite large. and has caves and building, now my questions are thus
how do i create my levels using level steaming and how can i optimise lighting so it will not crash my system?
how do i create a teleport of another way to go from outside to inside?
how do i create the internal maps? should i build them in 3ds max and import as FBX? or is there a better way of doing this?
I am in need of this help and would appreciate any advice.
Thank you
I recommend looking at the content examples level streaming map, it’s very helpful on how level streaming works. as for lighting, you could use static lighting everywhere, if you don’t care about shadows.
you have options here. you could open a new map, which would be the indoor map, or just literally teleport the player somewhere out of sight, like below the land, and stream the indoors scene in. both of these are done with blueprint nodes.
you can make and sculpt landscape in unreal engine itself. it works pretty well for most things. you would want to import rocks and caves to place from 3ds max though.
I’ll have a look at some more examples, at the moment the only lighting I have is what came when I opened the first person blue print. I have added a light importance map and have reduced the lighting on the grass and tress, i’m using the foliage tool for that.
Things like houses and such at least the external i build in max, if I can work out teleportation (Although I have no idea how to do the teleportation. I’m sure I can find a tutorial someplace. ) I can also build the inside of places, for example the player wakes up in a farm house and learns why they are where they are later on. I basically am trying to build a quest based RPG. I already have the story just got to put in into a game now.