I am currently trying to design a tool to be used in editor. The tool is essentially a 3D Chunk maker whereas you can customize a chunk of tiles in a grid and build out a chunk to be used in the game. The tool is my head is to be able to save all the objects and changes etc. made in editor mode so I can save this chunk as a preset to be used later for any number of reasons.
How would I go about creating a cold storage of presets that will be saved as their own objects all while in editor?
I thought about just saving everything to a text file and then just reading that when wanting to load that chunk preset at a later date, but I am not sure what the correct way or best way to go about this.
Hey there @Wickie! I think you’re definitely already on the correct path myself! Where and how to store the data is definitely dependent on how easy it would be to write your data to raw text (and how much of it there is). From the sounds of it, a JSON file would work fine as it does fit lists of instructions quite well syntax wise. If you’re using UE5+ there’s an official plugin to work with JSON files in Blueprint (JSON Blueprint Utilities Plugin). Prior to it’s release you could only use most of the JSON functions with C++. Although if you are using UE4.XX you could instead use the community plugin I’ll link below!
This worked for me. Sorry for the late reply. I Ended up just converting all my relevant data to be stored in a JSON file which makes it incredibly easy to work with.