Help with my first scan

I recently tried out scanning an object for a brand we’re working for, I thought adding something 3D will give us a cool edge. So far, I’ve photographed the object (I’ll attach pictures also). I used one globe lantern lighting the object from above, and then a small light on the top of the camera to light the sides. I don’t think this worked too well and will change next time.


I also flattened the images, I watched a YT video and they said to flatten them so you don’t get crazy highlights, which this object had on top where it was shiny. How would you deal with that shine?

Another question I had is how do you deal with the dead space, the featureless areas. Where it’s white, in the model in RC it left holes. I tried to add as many control points as I could because the components were split up sometimes and I had to group the cameras together (it was shot on one camera). I also had an idea of dotting the white area removable pen, would that work?

If I were to spray the bottle with removable matte paint and then dot it with black paint, speckle it almost, and then remove all that and scan again for texture, would that work? Or vice versa.

I’m also thinking of changing the surface I put the object on. I saw one guy covering it with newspaper so it had a lot of features to align for.

My main problem was how to hold the object. I had it suspended on a C stand with fishing wire. It kind of worked because I want to be able to photograph the hole on top. So, I can’t have the object upside down with it resting on the nozzle part. Can I scan it on its side, completely, then turn it over and scan the other side and somehow mesh them two scans together?

I know it’s a lot of questions, but if someone could help or point me to somewhere that could give me the answers or watch a few YT videos, that would be great.

Hi Fragell,

about the light. If it is possible, you need to have diffuse light for lighting the object.

You have to make some texture on featureless area, and it should work, how you described it. With paint or some spray. After imaging you will obtain more components. You will have to join them together and use images with right color for texturing. There are process to use image layers, but then you need the exact place to take a picture for your model.

If you will take the images with good overlap, you can use masking to create a model