Can someone explain to me how the Oculus controls are functioning? I can’t seem to get movement working correctly.
Is the ‘play area’ circle hard coded into the engine? Can I edit that someone - basically I’d like to get rid of it.
Also, my playercharacter rotates around the center of the circle, not the camera - which makes for confusing and nausea inducing movements. I’m creating a standing experience, with limited room scale. I want to turn in place from wherever I’m standing - not from the center of the play area.
Finally, player collision - it is also behaving oddly. My collision component seems to be on a fixed edge of the oculus play area. So, I can actually be standing a good 3-4 feet away from it, which obviously breaks immersion. I want to slap the collision onto my HMD - again, not the play area.
Are there settings somewhere that I’m missing? Any help would be appreciated!