Help with in game computer

Hello! I’m relatively new to UE5 and I need some guidance on a feature I want. I am making a game where you play as a hacker and you can move around your apartment and do tasks. I am wondering how to make the “hacker” sit down and interact with his computer. I understand how to make him sit down with animations, however, I do not understand how to make the (in game) computer screen take up the entire players screen. Hell I don’t even know how to make a computer function in UE5 in general. For context I made a console game in C++ that you can hack other players. I really wanted a 3D gaming aspect for it and here I am. It would mean the world to me if y’all could point me at some references for how I should go about this.

Thank you!

Add a camera component to the computer class, and then you can use SetViewTargetWithBlend() in the PlayerController class to transition the camera view from the character to the computer.