I have been trying to find some tutorials and etc, about how to make some stuff in the Particles System, but it’s really hard to find specifics. I’m also using the Unreal 12.5 because upgrading it will corrupt my files, so i’m staying on this version for now.
I found out this video with a very cool sandstorm but there is no tutorial about it, can someone help out on how to make this? Sandstorm particle effect - YouTube
In the explosion, grenade explosion like this is enough (gmod stinger grenade explosion particle - YouTube), and a robot explosion like this (Unity Explosion - Particle System Prototype - YouTube).
The shockwave is like a ship landing on the sand with a lot of dust going around it.
I’m trying to make these from zero, without using assets, but if someone can recommend me some I would appreciate it.
Thanks for the attention.