Help with a Physical Animation Line Trace Collision Issue

I’m having an issue with the ‘Set All Bodies Below Physics Blend Weight” Blueprints node. When using this node to blend into an animation it appears that the animation disconnects the skeletal mesh from its physics asset. Using the first-person shooter template with the third person content added, I created a physical animation component that is parented to a character blueprint class that uses the “SKM_Manny_Simple” skeletal mesh. I also altered the BP_Weapon_Component to do a line trace through visability (skeletal mesh has visibility collision enabled).

(Physical Animation Component Event Graph)

On Event Begin Play the TogglePhysicalAnim event is called. When attempting to do a line trace through the arms and legs of the mesh, no collision is detected. However, when doing a line trace through where the mesh would be if the physics blend weight were to be set to 1, or disconnected, a collision is being detected.

(Physics Blend Weight = 0.0)

Physics Blend Weight =1 / Node Disconected)

It seems like the “Set All Bodies Below Physics Blend Weight” node moves the mesh (and its collision) visually but does not react when a line trace is used to attempt to collide with it. this scenario should be fairly easy recreate using any line trace and the ‘Set All Bodies Below Physics Blend Weight” Blueprints node. Does anyone know if this an issue with the node itself, or am I doing something incorrectly? Any help at all would be amazing