I had this problem: D:/UE_4.27/Engine/Plugins/Runtime/ArchVisCharacter/Source/ArchVisCharacter/Public/ArchVisCharMovementComponent.h(1) : Error: UnrealHeaderTool was unable to load source file ‘D:/UE_4.27/Engine/Plugins/Runtime/ArchVisCharacter/Source/ArchVisCharacter/Public/ArchVisCharMovementComponent.h’
And if i wanna open ArchVisCharMovementComponentin VS, computer tells, that i have crc error. Smone tell me, that i mast to reinstall ArchVisCharacterю Цруку сфт ш ефлу сщзн ща ArchVisCharacter?
There are a few reasons why this error might occur:
The file path is incorrect: Check the file path specified in the error message to make sure that it is correct. If the file is located in a different directory or has been renamed, you may need to update the file path.
The file is missing: If the file has been deleted or moved, the UnrealHeaderTool will not be able to load it. Check that the file exists in the specified location.
The file is not included in the build: If the file is not included in the build process, the UnrealHeaderTool will not be able to load it. Make sure that the file is included in the build process by adding it to the appropriate build settings in your project.
There is a syntax error in the file: If there is a syntax error in the ArchVisCharMovementComponent.h file, the UnrealHeaderTool will not be able to load it. Check the file for any syntax errors, such as missing semicolons or parentheses.
In your case, it looks like the file ArchVisCharMovementComponent.h is located in the directory D:/UE_4.27/Engine/Plugins/Runtime/ArchVisCharacter/Source/ArchVisCharacter/Public/. Check that the file exists in this location and is included in the build settings for your project. If the file exists and is included in the build, try checking the file for any syntax errors that may be preventing it from being loaded.