Hi guys,
Would like to ask, lets say I have created a 3D room and would like to make it into a VR like the IKEA ad below.
How does it go about?
How do I export the file, in what format and how does it link to the VR system that the viewer may be able to interact with the surroundings?
IKEA ad link: IKEA Virtual Reality Showroom, deutsche Version on Vimeo
It will be really great if any of you can help me on this. I’m really new to this but is something I would like to venture into for my company.
Thank you very much!!
Best regards,
(Martin Beierling-Mutz)
About importing the 3D Models into unreal engine: What 3D File formats does UE4 accept? - Community & Industry Discussion - Unreal Engine Forums
Implementing interactivity would be done via Blueprint, the visual scripting tool in Unreal Engine. If you’re new to it there are a lot of resources about it out there. E.g.: https://docs.unrealengine.com/latest/INT/Videos/PLZlv_N0_O1gY35ezlSQn1sWOGfh4C7ewO/EFXMW_UEDco/index.html
There is also a VR Blueprint Template when you create a new project. This will have a basic setup to jump right in.