Help to understand the workflow to deploy a multiplayer game

hello – i need help to understand how to deploy a multiplayer game - about the client and the dedicated server
(incase the game is ready production)

  1. were is the client live (repository or something ?) and were the dedicated server live (on games stores?)
    2.on client side - were i store the game (steam or epic store or google drive) ? and how i can update the content without the need to upload the entire game – like git or something?
    3.same but on the dedicated server

  2. and does steam host the dedicated server or just the client game ?

plz explain a full workflow so i can understand

I am trying to find better explanations about PreLogin and ControlChannel to handle client logins. But, it is so scarce.
Please give some proper documentation to this.

This is very scary that the engine is updated and the courses by epic is getting older on blueprint, and for C++ I don’t see any official course.
This is also scary that many of non-official courses created by other instructors on udemy is also for kids to create cartoons and not games :D… we want a proper course for multiplayer game from the officials and not from third parties.
An example can be a battle royal game which is the best task to cover everything.