[HELP] SteamCorePro NetDriver.

Hello, I packaged my game for distribution, uploaded it to Steam, and then downloaded it to 2 different computers using the Steam client on 2 different accounts. The first computer was in the United States(VPN) and the second one was in Brazil (Original Place).

The first computer created a room in the United States
The second computer searched for rooms, found it !!! But when connecting, a “Pending Connection Failure” error is displayed with print string.

I also tried the opposite, the computer in Brazil without VPN creates the room and the second computer searches for and connects to it, didn’t work.

It only works if you are using “Use Lan” on your local network for testing…


[2025.02.04-21.04.02:641][966]LogSockets: Warning: GetAddressInfo failed to resolve host with error SE_HOST_NOT_FOUND [11001]
[2025.02.04-21.04.02:677][966]LogNet: UNetConnection::Close: [UNetConnection] RemoteAddr: , Name: IpConnection_0, Driver: Name:PendingNetDriver Def:GameNetDriver IpNetDriver_0, IsServer: NO, PC: NULL, Owner: NULL, UniqueId: INVALID, Channels: 3, Time: 2025.02.04-21.04.02
[2025.02.04-21.04.02:677][966]LogNet: UNetConnection::SendCloseReason:
[2025.02.04-21.04.02:677][966]LogNet:  - Result=AddressResolutionFailed, ErrorContext="AddressResolutionFailed"
[2025.02.04-21.04.02:689][967]LogNet: UChannel::Close: Sending CloseBunch. ChIndex == 0. Name: [UChannel] ChIndex: 0, Closing: 0 [UNetConnection] RemoteAddr: , Name: IpConnection_0, Driver: Name:PendingNetDriver Def:GameNetDriver IpNetDriver_0, IsServer: NO, PC: NULL, Owner: NULL, UniqueId: INVALID
[2025.02.04-21.04.02:691][967]LogNet: Error: UEngine::BroadcastNetworkFailure: FailureType = PendingConnectionFailure, ErrorString = Your connection to the host has been lost., Driver = Name:PendingNetDriver Def:GameNetDriver IpNetDriver_0
[2025.02.04-21.04.02:695][967]LogNet: Warning: Network Failure: PendingNetDriver[PendingConnectionFailure]: Your connection to the host has been lost.

I also tested using my internet and the second computer connected to the cell phone’s mobile network, it didn’t work either.

hello :slight_smile:
tbh, i would expect a vpn (and a cellphone too) to not allow to forward open ports. so i don’t expect this to work like that.
i wouldn’t be too quick as to claim that steamcorepro is broken.
i think you need a better test case.
try asking the help from a friend or someone on internet, but make sure both can open your ports. (beware of nats)

Steam sessions do not require port forwarding, unlike Dedicated Servers. No Steam games require players to open ports on their modem.

mm, then i might be wrong. what about for the server though? at least one machine needs to be able to receive connections. or use some solution to tunnel the connection. which i’m not sure steam does (but might)

As far as I know both the Host and the clients connect to the Steam server, but it is not Dedicated, I believe it is a tunnel as you said. This is the second time I’ve had to try to reverse engineer to adjust or add something.

hmm i don’t know a lot of steamcorepro. so i can’t confirm our guesses.

if it works using lan it makes me think it’s worthy to properly test with another computer that can open ports to be sure. otherwise it’s only a guess.

to tunnel the connection it would require an extra service, like a server that does the tunneling.
or something like hamachi.
i wouldn’t expect steam to do that for free, but maybe they do. i’m not sure. i can’t remember if eos can do tunneling or not.

this is what i got from a naive search

so i think the ports assumption might be valid.

i haven’t played all the games on steam, so i can’t verify that claim.
but when i said open ports i meant on the server. the player usually don’t need them.
but the server almost always does need them.

the problem is games that are listen-servers and it’s player to player. at that point you’ll need tunneling like hamachi or smth. and i don’t know if steam does or doesn’t provide it (and cant recall eos).

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The page in the documentation refers to creating a Dedicated Server that is on the owner’s network. But as a precaution, I opened the ports on the modem and in Windows, disabled the firewall and created a room within the game and made the other computer on another network connect to it, it didn’t work either.

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hmm im not sure what else could be affecting it. sorry.

I managed to do this, it was very simple, I had forgotten to activate the P2P packet relay

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well done! thanks for sharing. i’m happy you’ve found the issue.