I am trying to create a ghost shader. The intent is for the model to bob up and down and have a wobbling effect on the bottom “cloth” of the mesh. You can see the result that I want in the video (https://streamable.com/mb5z0). However, when moving the mesh in certain directions in the world, the effect is speed up and the shader “bugs out” when jumping.
I was wondering if there is a way to solve this without having to recreate everything?
I believe that the Absolute World Position is the cause of the problem, but I am not sure.
Any help will be appreciated!
It happens because you are using the Absolute World Position in the Animate Gradient block, and since the result is being multiplied ahead, you might want to clamp the max value before multiplying.
PS: it is possible the block above where there is another AWP x Time is also causing the speedy effect, there should be a clamp at max value there too.
your animated gradient part is missing the part where the object world position is considered. this results to the Absolute World Position “changing” (in relation to the object) as it moves
^ I didn’t see that. Object Position instead of World Position.
Thank you all! I solved it by using an “local” world position instead!