Just got my Oculus CV1 yesterday. I jumped into the project I had been working on for the last couple months. At first, the default camera controls/HMD tracking were horrendous, but after reading through some posts I rigged together something passable. However, after a half hour in the Rift, I was down and out with some major nausea.
First, how would I go about creating two different control schemes - a more classic control scheme for when using my monitor, and my HMD control scheme for when the HMD is detected?
Also, I don’t like how the default HMD movement is functioning. I exist in a glowing circle that moves, which I am free to move within. Needless to say, it gets really hard to control. I basically just want to move forward/back from wherever the hmd is facing (with the hmd as the center, not the circle). Also, how do I remove that ‘player area’ circle?
Are there any good tutorials for diving into this stuff? I’m finding the official documentation a little light on details. Any help/insight you can offer into HMD first person movement would be appreciated - I don’t want to be going to bed every night with the room spinning!
: The value: r.compileshadersfordevelopment=0 may not work for you, it caused all of my materials to not compile correctly.
** : VR is the stuff of sci-fi / fantasy made real. Currently there are no better examples of UI design than what is shown in these shows.