Help! Project failed to compile after rename refactor

I’ve created a new object in C++ inheriting from UDataAsset.
After trying to compile it says that I already have that object name elsewhere, so I used refactor - rename (using Rider IDE).

Now the compiler fail in every build that I’m running with this error:

types.h(28): Error C1083 : Cannot open include file: 'rtm/math.h': No such file or directory

I didn’t include or changed any math.h.
I tried to remove Binaries and Intermediate folder and to generated a new solution but that didn’t worked too and now I can’t even run the project from Epic’s launcher because it’s asking to compile and build manually.

Have you tried to remove the include then compile, then add it back? If so, maybe this previous post can be of some help: [Quick Tip] Renaming C++ Classes without breaking your project

That’s the point I didn’t include anything.
And that file error pointing me to an engine CPP file where the include is found.
Which I can’t remove the including because it’s an engine file.

I even tried to delete the new created file that I renamed and no change.

Apologies, I must have glanced over that in your initial post. I’ll look further into it once I get home.

I’m trying to reinstall the engine now hoping that would solve this problem.
Deleted files related to the IDE and the .sln file.

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Edit: If I understood correctly, that is exactly the problem then. Rider added the include to the file on its own. Hopefully your re-installment will help

Yes that solved the problem for me! to bad that this is what is took to fix it but it least it works!