I need the sound to turn on when I go into the trigger box and when I pick up some
blueprint, it disappears from me. How to do it?
Hey @popadens!
Its hard to tell what is going wrong with the context given. Could you explain in more detail what is happening and share screenshots?
Any additional specifics or information you provide will go a long way in solving your problem!
Not sure what you mean when you say it disappears from you.
I’m reading this question in 2 ways:
- You want sound to play when you go into a trigger box and when you pick up an item.
or you can add a sound to play at a specific point in an animation (e.g. during item pick up animation)
The other way I read this is that your item disappears when you pick it up, which makes sense because to pick it up you usually destroy the item and simultaneously spawn it on your character (with some animations etc thrown in to make it look cool)
When I enter the trigger box, the sound turns on and in order for this sound to disappear, I have to pick up an object. I don’t understand how to do this.
Is the sound marked a looping?
You need to set the sound reference as a variable (before playing it) so that you can then turn it off when needed.
Is the actor that plays the sound destroyed at some point?
Hey @popadens,
Checking in! Were any of the above the solution you needed? If not, can you share the blueprints that you have so far?
The problem was that I didn’t know how to link to another bluprint)
Hey @ruigol!
If the problem is blueprint communication, check out these great official and non-Epic affiliated resources:
Let me know if the above works for you!
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