I’m working as an Archviz Artist, and when I try to render some big resolution images, like 5760x3240, my computer freezes completely making me to turn it off from the button, it doesn’t respond to anything. I don’t know why, it happens sometimes, and other times it works.
Can someone give me any advice or solution please?
I’m posting this because I didn’t found any thread or question about this. There are many for the “Out of video memory” or “GPU crashed” messages, but not for this issue…
You are most likely running out of GPU memory. You can check this in the Task Manager next time you render. You don’t always get a message. You might have to tile the render or go in a make sure your textures are not filling up your card. Can you disable Game Overrides in MRQ and try again? That will automatically turn texture streaming off which can be a problem with many and/or large textures.
I tried to disable Game Overrides, but that result in a very lower quality render… Also I tried to just disable texture streaming but it still frozes. How can I check textures are not filling up my card? I know I’m using high quality textures. but I thought that my computer could handle it because it is a powerful machine…
You just have to look at your GPU when you render. Or run a GPU profile when you render by hitting the ` key to bring up a prompt when the MRQ render window is up and type “ProfileGPU”