I was working on building a world and at some point the sun (aka directional light) started looking just like a circle in the sky instead of the sun. I tried loading a new project and the problem is still happening. No idea what I could have done. See below for what the sun looks like now.
Hey @elfrysinger13! Welcome to the Forums!
Have you done anything to manually edit any of the main blueprints like the sky sphere? Oddly enough I am not seeing your sky atmosphere either which would directly affect your sun. Try verifying your version of Unreal to correct any broken/edited files.
Any specifics you provide will go a long way in solving your problem!
As far as I know I didn’t edit any blueprints or anything like that. That screenshot was from a freshly created file using the film: blank template. The original project I was working on, where I first noticed it, has the sky set up a bit differently. I verified my version of Unreal (5.1.1), and then re-opened the original project. The other thing I’ve noticed is when moving the camera, you can see a black outline around the sun. Here is a screenshot of the issue in the original project:
Hey @elfrysinger13!
Hmm, so if you open a new level, you still have the same effect?
So far, I haven’t been able to reproduce the effect you are getting. Can we see the settings you have changed for your lighting? All of these are done in editor right? No changes to the blueprints for the light or anything?
Also, your sun looks small, changing your lightsource angle can reduce the size.
Any additional information on what you have changed can go a long way in solving your problem!
I have the same effect if I open a new level, and, like I said, the original screenshot is from a completely different project. This leads me to believe I must have changed some kind of universal setting, but I don’t know how I would have done that, and I already verified the installation of the engine as you suggested. I’ve tried hiding each individual part of the sky, and none of them change it. The two projects don’t even have the sky set up the same way, and yet the problem persists.
The source angle is on the default in both projects that those screenshots are from, I just tried changing it and while it changes the size, it doesn’t solve the issue. I don’t know why it looks bigger in the first screenshot than in the second.
I appreciate your efforts trying to help me, I know it’s not easy when I’m not sure what I could have changed.
Well this is interesting. I just tried opening an older project, and the sun looks fine! What kind of setting would affect current/new projects but not older ones?
Hey @elfrysinger13,
I am not aware of any global setting that only affects older projects but not newer ones. And this happened to all of your pre existing projects?
It’s the opposite of that. It’s the newer ones that are messed up, the older ones are fine.
Hey @elfrysinger13,
So this is sounding more and more like some sort of editor setting is going wrong. By older you mean the same version just older project right? So if you are okay with losing some of the settings you have made so far, you can try deleting your config folder. That may correct your lighting issue.
Other than that, I would try completely reinstalling UE 5.1.1, as this is really odd.
Yes, by older I mean the same version of the engine (I’ve only ever used 5.1.1) just an older project. I’ll try deleting the config folder, and if that doesn’t work I’ll try reinstalling the engine. But first I might try to compare the settings in the older project with the newer projects, to see if I can find any differences that might be causing it.
This could be related to the eye adaptation changes.
Check to see if you get better results as to what you expect by disabling it.