Help! How to get the player who clicked and the one who is gettting clicked

So, I am making a multiplayer game where I want it so that when a player1 who is playing the game sees the avatar of player 2 he can click on that avatar and a widget get’s created showing profile of the Player 2, also there is a button in that widget “Send Friend Request” which when clicked should execute the event on Player2 that creates a notification widget.

I looked up several solutions that were halfway, so some were just to get the click owner/ player who clicked and some were getting the clicked player. For example, Get Hit Result Under Cursor by Channel gives me the clicked actor but can’t get a player reference from it so that I can get data of that specific player2 and update stats on the player 1 widget.

I really appreciate any help :pray:

Unreal Engine 5.1.1
Development Mode Blueprints

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