(Help) How Do I Produce A High-Quality/Sharp Heightmap For Export From Photogrammetry? Can I Export Slices For Texture Printing?

I’m using photogrammetry to capture textured pieces of artwork for print. The heightmap is important because we use a program to slice them into 5 to 8 layers, print each layer on-top of itself, and finish with high quality color to reproduce the original artwork.

  1. I can import, align, set control points, set reconstruction region, build a model, unwrap, texture, render an orthographic projection and export a Digital Surface Model but it looks low res with very little detail while the color portion looks fantastic. I feel as if I’m missing a step, settings, or taking the wrong approach. I’m open to any and all ideas.

  2. I was wondering if Reality Capture could export heightmap slices for me? Can I tell RC to export .1mm slices starting from the top down for example? That would be huge.

  3. I’m using photogrammetry to capture single-surface paintings but how do I ensure the aligned object is perfectly level before exporting? Is it simply a matter of manually adjusting the reconstruction box or can I create a 3D square and press my model up against it? I hope this makes sense.

If there is other software I should be using rather than RC I’m all ears. However, I love RC and find it extremely intuitive.

I would really appreciate any advice, guidance or help as my situation has turned into a panic. My company decided to tell customers this process was good to go and I’m struggling to learn quickly.

Thank you everyone,

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Hi @Prince_Sucio
As this is for print, do you mean 2D or 3D print?
What are your settings to create the ortho? What pixel size are you using? Can you show some examples of your results?

I suppose it is not possible to export slices of height map from RealityCapture. Probably only when you slice your model before and you’ll create heightmap for each slice. And for that it would be good to have georeferenced model in some local system.

In this case you can use the GCPs in the corners of the painting with coordinates of the frame and using the height value as zero.

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