The shadows seem to move smoothly at long distances, but seem to juter when shading wall from own roof. ( in Video - 1:20 & 3:50)
Night light shining through the floor and doing strange things depending on where you are looking. I was thinking of dropping the intensity of the sky light as it is setting and ramping it back up when the sun rises. Or is there a way to redo this? (Not on this video)
Shadows are so dark I loose all detail in the buildings during the day. ( in Video - 2:09)
This link includes a sample project using Gregdumb’s Wiki Day/Night system.
This may be caused by using the Timeline. Not sure. I’ve not setup sun rotation using that one before. May be better to use Event Tick or Set Timer.
This is handled in the project I linked to above. You need to set up the logic for the sun when it’s below the horizon line to be set to 0 otherwise it’s continuing to light while below the horizon line. It’s good to remember that the sun doesn’t know it’s a sun. It’s a light source and needs to be set up to perform in certain ways by adjusting it’s settings via BP or otherwise.
This is because there is no Dynamic GI. You can add a Sky Light to help with this. You will need to disable or lower it’s intensity when it is below the horizon line as well (covered in my link above). There are solutions in the works for Dynamic GI though with Daniels efforts with DFGI, but that’s still early on. LPV is the other and can be enabled via the consolevariables.ini (You can read the documentation on it here) There are improvements coming, but not before 4.8 at the earliest with this method. At the moment there is still some issues with light leaking into interiors along with some other limitations.
Lastly, I noticed in your video in the top right it says “Lighting needs to be rebuilt.” If you’re planning to use a Dynamic Day/Night system it would be best to make all your lighting movable rather than having some that are stationary/static.
With my sample scene I only used some simple boxes to test the shadow moving with a slow rotation from the light.
The meshes you’re using, are they from the Epic Game Marketplace? If so, I can take a look and see if there is a way to improve that. I’ve not really used any dynamic day/night systems in any personal projects I’ve used so I’ve not run into the problem. If there is something that can be done I can take a look and update my project with an example to help others as well.