I’d like to make a secure database for my multiplayer game, to have roughly max 1000 people. But I’m having trouble on what I’d actually like to use for the best results. I’m not quite sure how to go about this, if I should store just the login Username, and the password for the database, or if I should store information to update in the game, such as health, gold, etc.
Could anyone offer an opinion on positive and negatives to using each method?
Your question is probably too open ended. Many games are just awesome without a single DB access, others put all their user generated data into DBs, and are equally awesome.
I’d just put what you know needs to be shared with other users or servers in a DB for a start. My current approach is to cache save games in a file sharing system (aws s3) so that a user logging in from different machines can play from the same place.
Your question is probably too open ended. Many games are just awesome without a single DB access, others put all their user generated data into DBs, and are equally awesome.
I’d just put what you know needs to be shared with other users or servers in a DB for a start. My current approach is to cache save games in a file sharing system (aws s3) so that a user logging in from different machines can play from the same place.
Remember that anything you rely on a DB for will need an online connection to access, and time to retrieve, and has a higher chance of failure than working with data stored locally.
Thank you, I’ll have to really think about this then. There’s a lot to consider then, I honestly am still unsure 100% but I have a little bit of a better idea, from the ID to usernames, password, possibly the gold, and inventory ID to items, and location of logout. Does this look right?