Help!! Crashes!! [Assertation failed: Uniform Buffer] etc...

I am working on an animation demo, the project includes Meta Human and level sequencer, I’m not sure if that’s what triggered the crash.
I am not sure if the crash is triggered by any specific action, but it seems to occur randomly during my use, roughly 5 minutes each time since I opened the project.
Here is the Crash Reporter:

Assertion failed: UniformBuffer [File:D:\build++UE5\Sync\Engine\Source\Runtime\RHI\Private\RHIContext.cpp] [Line: 58]
Attemped to assign a null uniform buffer to the global uniform buffer bindings.


Thank you so much if anyone can save me!!!

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I’m also getting this issue consistently when trying to set up a simple camera shot in the sequencer. I hope someone has an answer for this soon. It’s driving me up the wall.

Assertion failed: UniformBuffer [File:D:\build++UE5\Sync\Engine\Source\Runtime\RHI\Private\RHIContext.cpp] [Line: 58]
Attemped to assign a null uniform buffer to the global uniform buffer bindings.

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I got the same issue every time making a camera sequence … crash every time. the same code. please help!

Hi, i have the same issue but with two cameras in one sequence. If u have the same problem, try to make new sequence with second camera. Looks like UE dont like 2 cameras in one sequnce. For me it works now.

All it takes is selecting the Actor which the Camera is parented to in the sequencer and Unreal crashes.

This is killing me. I work exclusively in sequencer and was bold enough to complete the last 80 hours of work in UE 5.5. Unless there is someway to migrate backwards, which I know there isn’t, I’m stuck crashing every 5 minutes, or recreating my work in a more stable version.

I could troubleshoot this further, but based on other reports, I don’t think the level of complexity of my scene or animation edits is the culprit. This seems like a low level caching issue, but I don’t really know.

Any help from Epic? Pretty devastating. THX1

Decided to start a sequence from scratch with a barebones setup. The significant change was to remove my camera from the rig hierarchy (CTRL_Mover > CTRL_Cam > CTRL_Offset > CineCam). This SEEMS to be stable for the moment.

Strike that - A simple Cinecam, with a single plane parented to it seems to be enough to crash it? I can’t be sure.

Same error here, it’s crazy, the project keeps crashing and crashing, while working in a sequencer with a camera attached to an object itself attached to a bone of a skeletal mesh

Assertion failed: UniformBuffer [File:D:\build++UE5\Sync\Engine\Source\Runtime\RHI\Private\RHIContext.cpp] [Line: 58]
Attemped to assign a null uniform buffer to the global uniform buffer bindings.

Interesting! I’ll give that a whirl next time

Any fixes yet? Running into this today with 5.5


What SHINOBI_OF said about having only a single camera seem to be working so far.
In addition to that, I think having multiple viewports open also crashes the engine with the same error.
So with only a single camera and a single viewport it’s not crashing for now.
Nope, just crashed. There is no logic to it, the crash is just random at this point.
Edit: I worked on my project for hours, no crash. In 10 minutes after starting a screen share on Zoom, it crashed and keeps crashing quite frequently whenever I’m sharing my screen.

@Max.Chen Can you take a look at this thread? It seems to be a sequencer related issue that affects 5.5 and is affecting a subset of users, myself included, making 5.5 essentially unuseable. Is there any way that we can investigate the source of this problem, whether is be hardware or operating system related?

Currently in the process of migrating 2 weeks worth of work back to 5.4.

Any ideas are greatly appreciated.

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Same problem. Following :cold_face:

Having the same issue. Working with DMX and Pixelmappings but seems to be UNREALated to that judging by the comments here.

Tried it with Cinecam, normal cam, the issue seems to occur “less” if you just possess the camera but even then it crashes every 2 minutes. HELP! Showstopper for me…

Same problem, working with sequencer in a cinematic and when i start to make the error, follow every 5 min

Apologies folks. I think we have tracked this issue down. Unfortunately, we can’t get it into the next 5.5 hotfix (which is 5.5.2), but we should be able to get it into the following one.

Here’s the bug that you can follow once it’s made public:

hi, is there any kind of workaround until the hotfix is deployed please? besides going back to 5.4

For a workaround, in Editor Preferences, Level Sequence Editor section, Try setting the Trajectory Path Cap to something low, like 10.

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Find out a temporary solution, Disable gizmos when working with camera in sequencer.


Just want to chime in here that this was happening to me on version 5.5 when I was piloting my Sequencer camera using a second viewport (Window → Viewports → Viewport 2) set to ‘Cinematic Viewport’ (Perspective → Cinematic Viewport). Changing it back to ‘Default Viewport’ seems to have fixed the issue, but it may just be a matter of time. Thanks to for mentioning multiple viewports.

As a side note, every time a save happens all of my sequencer actors in the viewport move positions, resize, or completely disappear. Moving to the next frame in the timeline usually helps, but sometimes I have to switch the second viewport from Default to Cinematic and then back again to get the media plate to behave. That is only worth noting here because switching to Cinematic view is (seemingly) playing with fire in the second viewport.

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The solution that seems to be working for me is to disable camera previews (editor preferences → search for preview selected cameras and disable).


After endless trial and error tests I think I managed to narrow it down to what’s actually causing this annoying problem. The workaround that worked for me was to disable the “Draw Thumbnails” option for the Level Sequences. Didn’t had any more crashes since then.