Hi, I’m pretty new to UE5. And I’ve worked on a project to make this character lie on the bed. I can step on the bed quite easily, but when the character is lying down, it’s floating over the bed. Does anyone know how to solve this? Also, with another bed, it’s merging into the bed. But for the rest other two it’s fine.
BTW, the only difference in these four blueprint is the beds.
All beds and blankets have collision enabled(BlockAllDynamic), and for the character, the body is Query Only(Character Mesh), and for torso and legs, it’s collision enabled.
Yes, all characters’ collision boxes are not overlapping with the collision box of the bed, the character is actually dropping from the air.
I actually changed the initial animation of the character so it’s actually dropping down like this. While I cannot change the initial collision box, I added another one like this. I’m simulating this process so I think it’s physics-based.
Thank you for your help
and plz let me know if you need more information:)
I can already see what your culprit is most likely. Your collision Box for your bed goes above your bed (where the character is floating). You will need to set the collision of the bed to complex.