HELP! Can't Package! (UE 4.27)

Once again, I’m having difficulty packaging my tech demo. I recreated a new project file, copying and pasting most assets and maps and sequences and recreating a few others. I set UE 4.27 to package and it still fails! I need to get this finished so I can add this to a job application.

Here is the link to the log: Demo427Log.txt - Google Drive

Please tell me what I can do to resolve this problem. Your help is greatly appreciated!

has errors
seems to be missing
the shaders appear to be compiling, I think its just the missing assets

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I’m not sure how these files are missing, even though the assets are in their folders and the objects are on a level map. Still, I should double-check the assets. I’ve also noticed there are some widgets that need to be either fixed or deleted.

make sure you add all maps and their sub maps/levels to the build
you can specify the maps in the packaging settings

What settings do you recommend for a tech demo to share for a job application? Also, I fixed all the errors but I still got an error message saying I might have to build the demo with an IDE. That’s why I’m asking for recommendations on packaging settings.

I don’t think nikokun is watching the thread
I only fixed it up as far as I was able
On my machine I can compile win 64
I can also compile quest, but its not 100% perfect
the way the “hand” function works is different now.
as for having to recompile with an ide
I don’t know
I have visstudio installed but I was able to build win64 from it without opening visstudio.
I am not a pro. I am bashing about to fix it myself
in the dark.
look at the vr expansion plugin as well

Do you think I should send Nikokun a private message?

Here is what I am seeing, when I try to package and cook:

And here is the log, thus far:
PuzzleDemo427.log (173.0 KB)

I haven’t seen a post by him in 2 years on this
Have you deselected all other platforms like ios and only have win 64 and maybe android?
or have you built a custom engine with the git?
that would screw it.

Actually, I got some help on the Discord group. I deleted not only the unneeded files, but also the Intermediate and Cache folders. Now, the program has packaged successfully. Hopefully, I won’t run into these same problems when I make the 5.0 version of my demo.

I had problems with the left right in ue5 with it, both hands were stuck together.
I will repackage it without the intermediate folders from when I built it.
the other files were just the stereo material sphere test for the skybox.
good luck
if you make it better, repost it for others to work with
if ppl don’t post their fixes we all have to reinvent it.

I got the demo to package successfully, despite some warnings. But now, I can’t launch the packaged demo, even if I try the “Run as Administrator” command. So, how do I get the demo to launch? Here is the log file thus far, with only the LogLauncherProfile and UATHelper filters applied.

PuzzleDemo427.log (198.5 KB)

no idea
looks like it built fine with a missing shader from starter content.
at the beginning there are two plugin dlls missing
you seem to have a lot of plugins active.
I think the windows exe when run creates a log beside it.

So basically, I should find and download the missing .dlls and shaders? I have several plugins, including free downloaded content (and a paid download or two). But, I’m not sure what you mean by the last bit about the “windows exe.”

I looks like you are building both win 64 and android apk
When you try to run the build, it should make a log if you made a debugging build

I see. So I’ll have to set it to just build for Windows 64-bit? After all, this will be sent to a game company that hardly makes mobile games.

perhaps you do not understand
you are wasting a lot of your time if you have other platforms checked that you are not going to compile for.
If you are only building for win 64 uncheck everything else
you are waiting for shaders to compile for things you aren’t building
same with open gl and vulkan
choose one or the other
if you are building for a quest only have vulkan enabled
otherwise you compile both sets of shaders in the intermediate stage
even if you are only delivering the one set.

Every time I start to package, I pick the Windows 64-bit option. But maybe I should still go to the packaging settings to fix that. Also, do you think I should pick OpenGL over Vulkan? Which would you recommend for a tech demo, and how do I pick between the two?

even if you only pick the build win 64
if you have them checked in the platforms to build the project for it is still going to precompile the other shader sets, you have to uncheck all the platforms except the ones you are acually going to build for. You will see the shaders build faster.
By default win 64 is just ogl
you can add vulkan and in some apps you may get more performance from vulcan, or it may solve render issues.
you can also disable the dx12 with this checkbox in proj settings ->platforms windows

I’m not a pro, just a hobbyist
sometimes if you pkg and it won’t play you have to rebuild it after deleting the Intermediate folder, which forces it to fully rebuild everything.
if it doesn’t play again
maybe make sure you can build a basic 3rd person blank project and build it and it runs.
if it runs, then its a setting or setup in your other project
if it doesn’t run then its your build setup

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I’ve just finished packaging after setting it to only package for Windows (64-bit). But I still can’t open the program. Here is my current log.

PuzzleDemo427.log (183.5 KB)