help, black textures in distance, water missing and other issues

Hey Guys,

noob of UE5 here, looking for some help with some issues i’ve been having with my movie sequence render.

I’m running the latest version

Issue 1 - it seems when i render my sequence the far off detail becomes this flat black texture without the trees etc, i’ve tried messing around with a bunch of render distance setting ect but haven’t been able to find anything to fix it. I want the distance and details to be as far as possible.

Issue 2 - My water is displaying fine in the viewport but once I render it out it disappears, i’ve tried to do
r.water.waterinfo.rendermethod 2 as i read that could fix it. but all that did was crash my client.

Issue 3 - some of my landscape materials are coming up looking highlighted almost “molten” in appearance not sure what’s going on here but Could be some kind of lighting issue? as the scene has the sun panning across the video, I don’t see this in my viewport though.

I’ve attached images of all three:

any help would be appreciated thanks guys really starting to pull my hair out here!