Hello, can someone help me with this annoying problem?

Hello, can someone help me with this annoying problem?
CrashReportClientEditor 2024-03-27 09-37-54-03.bmp - dodany na Zapodaj.net.
My config spec laptop
|Nazwa urządzenia|mati|
|Procesor|12th Gen Intel(R) Core™ i7-12650H 2.70 GHz|
|Zainstalowana pamięć RAM|16,0 GB (dostępne: 15,7 GB)|
|Identyfikator urządzenia|2D2F2060-056E-4F20-AA5F-004CAADDE297|
|Identyfikator produktu|00342-22129-85834-AAOEM|
|Typ systemu|64-bitowy system operacyjny, procesor x64|
|Pióro i urządzenia dotykowe|Brak obsługi pióra i wprowadzania dotykowego dla tego ekranu|

Prawdopodobnie gdzieś w kodzie jest zły pointer albo jego brak. Ciężko powiedzieć gdzie bez sprawdzenia kodu. To może być wszystko dosłownie, albo kod, może jakiś plugin, może sterowniki, albo karta która nie obsługuje jakiejś funkcji.

Most probably this is invalid pointer, or missing one (check if all references are valid in code that communicates with naigara). It is hard to tell for sure without checking code. This can be almost everything, bad code, outdated plugin, drivers, graphics card not handling some function.

Give more information. :smiley:

Make local backup of whole project (zip it).

How to find culprit:

  • make function that prints to log, normal print is not enough, you need to add who printed message (so you can turn them off or remove later).
  • use breakpoints in bluepritns, first add them in every construction script (ii am guessing this is some construction script not getting valid reference somewhere)

Together breakpoints and print to log (with who did it) will verify where crash happens.
If its not in construction script, do same for begin play in all actors.

Another way is:

  • have backup of project
  • load it, turn off (disconnect from construction and begin play etc) HALF of your code.
  • if it crashes again, you know crash is in not disconnected part, if it does not crash it is somewhere in code you disconnected.
  • pick Half of code that is crashing
  • repeat.
    You will find what crashes, and either you can fix it or post here again, but with code that crashes.

Thank you for your help my English friend.
I will try again, which is a pity because I enjoy creating games on it. And the best thing is that Poles are making a remake of Silent Hill 2 on Unreal Engine 5.Beautiful graphics and realistic.
When I saw this engine in 2020, when the Playstation 5 was announced, it blew me away.
Is it possible to perform AutoSave on this engine in case it fails again?.
One more request, where can I find this code? I don’t know much about this program, I’m a novice and I’m learning.

If its your project, just zip whole folder where code is. And where it is depends on how you installed unreal editor. To see folder you open unreal loader, select unreal, and hover over icon of your project.

Is this your project, or you downloaded “moja gra” somewhere?
If it is yours you can open code in unreal editor.
If it is not yours, you basically cannot fix it.

This is my project and it is called ‘Moja gra’ in English ‘My Game’ as I come from Poland.
Yes, I have the folder packed. Maybe I can’t go to where I press CTRL + SPACE? It may be a program error from the creators, I have no idea.
But the requirements are quite strong - I don’t need such fancy equipment with 64GB?

Czy tylko blueprints czy tez uzywasz C++ ?

Gdzies masz zle ustawiony pointer, napisalem jak to znalezc (breakpoints + print to log).
Ale koniecznie zrob backup zanim zaczniesz t owszystko robic.

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I use Blueprints

Okay, everything’s fine now.
I reinstalled the program and repaired it in the control panel.
Or simply too high temperatures, they reach over 60*C in Nitrosense 5 but it doesn’t go any further. It only cools down when it’s hot, I have a laptop

Uh again unreal overheating

Set FPS limit to 60FPS (or 30FPS). Like inn this post:

Unreal loves to go all to max with fps, limit it.

Hello, it would be best if you considered upgrading your graphic card. It solves your issue with the framerates drop. Recently I upgraded to a 12 GB Graphic card.