Helium Rain - A realistic space opera for PC

We didn’t, we’re just using Blender for modeling and baking, after that everything is in Unreal.

ah ok makes sense now :slight_smile:

One last thing that I need to ask - How are you handling Navigation in 3D Space?

Please go into detail :slight_smile:

Depends on what kind of navigation we’re talking about. I guess you’re talking about pathfinding. What we do is twofold :

  • pathfinding
  • collision avoidance

Pathfinding here is simple, it’s done by assigning a bounding sphere to each object and work with the “ideal path” - just a segment between you and the target.
When the path intersects a sphere, we split it in two segments and move the joint on the surface of the sphere, so that we effectively travel just left or right of the object. Then check each segment for more collisions, recurvisely.

Collision avoidance is done by detecting the other trajectory, computing an intersection time, and moving the other way. It’s a bit more subtle and I didn’t write that part so I can’t get into much details.

The inter-sector navigation is not done by the player, we use a 2D map to pick destinations, and voilà. Here’s how it looks like.

Nice game, not sure how far you’ve gone with the it but I’d work on the background a bit more, it seems a bit plane (black) right now. I think adding a few things may make a big difference, e.g some space dust, asteroid belts, a few nebula, color variations and stars here and there will give it that outer space feel.

Small update…

New hull model, now with ship names…

Also a lot more new things. Read our devblog for more !

Hello guys !

Here’s what we’ve been up to recently…

I really like how the spaceships look! Not a big fan of space sims/shooters, but I do appreciate how it looks!

Thanks ! Here is the latest one…

More planetary work.

Hello !

We’ve just released 70,000 lines of C++ code on GitHub - the entire source code, not including the assets, levels, etc. We thought it could be of some use to developers, as we encountered many common issues with Unreal Engine. It’s neither a fully open-source project or a tutorial, it’s just an ongoing project that happens to be very large.

Highlights of the source code :

  • thousands of lines of Slate UI code ;
  • game settings menu ;
  • dynamic control of materials (though the assets also play a major role here) ;
  • spaceship attitude control, weapon system…

It’s not something gamers will be interested in, but if you’re looking for answers on C++ issues, it could be a good starting point.

New, upgraded sky from NASA material…

Don’t forget we released the game’s sources : take a look just above :slight_smile:

We’ve just finished one of the trading menus ! Take a look…

This is one of the most complicated menus in the game, bt also the most powerful. You can control all your supplies routes from here.

That’s no moon. That’s a space station !

I love the design of the 3D assets so much ! Congrats

New trailer !

Aaaand another trailer !

I’ve been using your source code for learning Slate for quite some time now.
What resources did you use to learn Slate?
I’m still struggling with kinda “basic” stuff I guess. (Right now it’s dynamically adding / removing buttons during runtime :D)

Thanks for doing this, it’s been really helping me!

The UE4 code mostly.

More nice screehsnot !