Hi, I’m using the HDRI backdrop for the first time but I’m having problems with shadows. It’s a high detail car scene with 8k HDRI and a directional light and that’s it…problem is I can’t seem to get the shadow, especially under the car and wheel arches with the directional light to look dense to give the car a nice grounded look. Any advice much appreciated.
Back off on the skylight I would say.
I don’t know what sort of lighting you’re using, but I’d recommend switching to moveable ( both directional and skylight ) until you get it in the right ball park, then go back to static.
Also, watch out for some things. The new Epic HDRI plugin already has a skylight in it, so you don’t need another.
With all that in mind, you need the skylight low ( like .25 ) and the directional light between 2 and 5.
Is it static/baked lighting we’re talking about? /pictures would help/ Are your light and all HDRIBackdrop components set to static/stationary? You have enough light bounce set for both?
Thanks for the replies!
This solved it…ticking screen space global illumination in project settings.
Is this a god or bad thing to do…any advice much appreciated.