HDRI backdrop overrides reflection capture actors

Hi All,
I have a project with an HDRI backdrop actor showng some HDRI asset.
In the scene, I have some reflective surfaces in different locations, but they all “reflect” the scene captured from the position of the backdrop actor, completely disregarding closer reflection capture spheres/boxes with area of effect significantly smaller than the HDRI envirodome size.
I can’t even seem to find any reflection-related settings under the backdrop actor’s details pane.
Does anyone know what I’m doing wrong here?

Many Thanks,

same problem over here, the only way i could fix it is by disabling skylight from the hdri back drop and adding a new separate one but the you need to fiddle around with the light settings

Late to the party, but to fix this you can set the ‘Sky Distance Treshold’ inside the Skylight component to a higher value than 0. For my case 2000 worked fine. I can’t explain why that works, but somewhere in that lovely UE webinar it is explained. (Link: Learn About Photoreal Automotive Rendering in Unreal Engine | Webinar - YouTube)