HDRI Backdrop Issue in VR (on Pico Neo pro 3 eye)

I am developing an application in vr with UE 4.27. For the Background I am using the HDRI Backdrop Plugin. If I use any Cubemap Texture (default or own) the Backdrop looks fine in editor but gets distorted in the packaged version on Android (pico neo 3 pro eye). The Mesh is the default Plugin Dome (but I tried all of them).
And I don’t know if it is an CubeMap, Material or UV issue? Or even Mobile settings?
Thanks for any help!

I found a solution:
In the main material (HDRI_Projection) set the shader under mobile to “Use Full precision”.

“Additionally, everything in the pixel shader on mobile is evaluated with half precision floats. This causes blocky looking textures and some other artifacts, when pixel shader math is done on texture coordinates. The Customized UV inputs however are done with full precision so they get around this problem.”
Unreal Docs - customized-uvs-in-unreal-engine-materials