Having issues with Wwise Soundbank generation.

I have done extensive searching into the issue and can find no help so its time I ask. I have a severe issue with my unreal project where I can generate my sound banks but any new events that i create simply wont trigger sounds within unreal. All older events seem to work fine, its just the new ones i create. Always with the error “LogAkAudio: Error: Event ID not found: ID#.” After a ton of messing around with it I have determined some things that may help track the issue. When remote connected I cannot play the sound by pressing play in Wwise with the error “LogAkAudio: Error: Selected Media Not Available.” If I then generate sound banks within Wwise, I can now press play and have the event play in Wwise. But, attempting to call the event from UE4 content browser still gives the error “LogAkAudio: Error: Event ID not found: ID#.” Another odd thing is that in UE4 I can play the event from the Wwapi picker window but as soon as I move the event into my content browser it gives me the event not found. Whenever generating sound banks I do have some basic errors but no fatal errors. All of them have to do with that I work using perforce as source control and am missing some of the sound files that my partners are working on. Nothing about missing any of the sounds I am currently integrating.

So some of the common solutions to this I have checked and double checked and triple checked.

Make sure the name or ID is correctly written in the game code. ----- 100% exactly the same

Ensure the Event is in a bank and that the bank is loaded ------ there is only one sound bank and I have triple checked that the events are in there as well as have force manually added them just to make sure.

Make sure the banks are up to date. ------ I have generated the sound banks from both wwise and unreal hundreds of times trying to fix this. I have also pathed my wwise generation to Content/WwiseAudio/Windows to force overwrite the ue4 generation which has worked once but not consistently.

For those wondering what my missing files errors look like in case it is related.

Error 10 The original file is missing: Laughter 1.wav Windows
Error 10 The original file is missing: Laughter 2.wav Windows
Error 10 The original file is missing: Laughter 3.wav Windows
Error 10 The original file is missing: Laughter 4.wav Windows
Error 10 The original file is missing: Laughter 5.wav Windows
Error 10 The original file is missing: Laughter Wait.wav Windows
Error 10 The original file is missing: My Name Is Evil Gary.wav Windows
Error 10 The original file is missing: Nightmare Rant.wav Windows
LogAk: Error 16 The SoundBank ‘WwiseSoundbank’ is missing files. Windows WwiseSoundbank
[SoundBank Log Info] Name: WwiseSoundbank Platform: Windows | Language: SFX | Created:Up to date | Status: Error: Missing Files
Process completed with errors(s).
LogAk: Error: Wwise command-line failed with error 1.

Another odd side note about how its misbehaving is I also cant see attenuation radius on my akambiantsound actors in game. This could be simply another issue that is unrelated.

Any help would be appreciated I am completely stumped.

as I am also looking into Wwise, I had a similar issue today, but it was because the Wwise project was not in the same location as the unreal project (must have missed clicked). But anyways after putting the project back into place, I re imported all the sounds again and recreated all the sound-banks/events.
Id make sure you have the sound banks in the correct project folder,
make sure the events are in the sound-banks
save, save again.
import the banks and events into unreal,
generate in unreal.
I’m still new to Wwise and I’m curious about this issue as well, in-case it comes up on my end.

Now for some reason on my end I can’t drag and drop events and banks, so I have to create those in Wwise, and create those in Unreal (with the same name), then generate sound banks.


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