Having an issue activating a server build on aws gamelift

I am developing a dedicated game server on UE5.3 and plan on hosting it on AWS services. When I upload a build and create a fleet the fleet reaches the activating state and stops there.

the Error basically says there is either an issue with the executable path in the upload or my build has an issue in its code that prevents the call to initSdk().
However, I don’t think its either of the problems because I copied the code from the gamelift documentation. And I double checked the path.

Has anyone else encountered a similar problem and what might be the solution?

for reference here are the guides that i followed alongside the documentation itself:
AWS For games’ guide
Flopperam’s guide
Codeible’s guide

And here are some specifications of my environment:
windows 11
UE5.3 built from source
OpenSsl 3.2.1

I have exactly same issue and I tried launch and debug the server using visual studio and FGameLiftServerSDKModule::StartupModule() has issue with this line
const FString BaseDir = IPluginManager::Get().FindPlugin(“GameLiftServerSDK”)->GetBaseDir();

So, I trying to change directory to absolute (For testing purpose) but while executing LoadDependency,
Handle = FPlatformProcess::GetDllHandle(*Path);
this line return nullptr.

I can’t solve the LoadDependency issue and I hope you find some clue from What I have situation

If you have same issue as mine, when you launch your server, you will be get immediately crash. otherwise It’s not the same issue as mine.

And I guess OpenSSL 3.2.1 is not the right version because unreal engine is used 1.1.1

(Note that I’m not native speaker of english and sentence might be weird.)

If you refer to trying the build locally then yes I have tried it using Anywhere fleet and it works fine.
In that case I am afraid we don’t have the same problem and I wish you good luck with yours.

As for OpenSsl version 1.1.1 , I have initially used it and had the same poblem so i tried the 3.2.1 version with no success.