This is a video of whats happening. Not really sure why its happening. Hadnt ever had this issue, I reinstalled windows 10 and all my drivers and then I am now having this issue. Its the same machine, just went for a clean install. I know its not my hardware and my drivers are all up to date and I reinstalled my Graphics Driver twice. I didnt change any settings in my project. Anyone got any ideas?
Can you narrow down what is exactly disappearing? Does it happen in unlit mode? Does it happen in a cooked game? Does it happen in the editor but in “game mode” (G key)? Does it affect static meshes?
Sorry I don’t remember the solution but someone had the same exact problem 1-2 week(s) ago and it was answered and solved… just try to check back posts if you have the time!
Its not that anything is disappearing, its like a weird cascading shadows glitch but i’ve never had this issue before. My game is uncooked, and it happens in unlit environments too. It happens in Game mode, and it happens if I play standalone or any play in editor mode as well. It doesn’t appear to affect static meshes.
Thanks! I will definitely do that. Hopefully I can figure this annoying issue out lol
Well, I installed Java and it seemed to fix my issue. Really weird issue to have from not having Java, but whatever lol its fixed!