Having a lot of trouble importing skeletal mesh from blender, lots of errors

So I’m rather new to unreal in general, and even more so in 3d modeling and animation. I finally figured out how to rig a model in blender, and it seems to look fine

but when I import it into unreal I get a bunch of errors

and it looks like this when I open the imported file.

I don’t have a clue how to even begin to go about fixing this, and I could really really use some assistance

So a few things:

  1. The errors to do with smoothing groups are whether you export from blender with any specification on hard or smoothed normals. If you define in blender whether a face is shaded sharp or smooth you can import this data by changing the normal import method to “Import Normals”


(It will probably still throw an error but it is nothing to worry about really)

  1. The second error about bones missing from the bind pose are probably from having “Add Leaf Bones” turned on in Blender.


Generally I would say you should flag this off when exporting to a game engine. You would only need leaf bones on if you were exporting for the purpose of editing the rig in another program.

  1. It says your cube has no UV set, that is just a matter of UV unwrapping your mesh before exporting. So if you are new to it UV unwrapping is something you might need to do a bit of research on, nice thing is there are plenty of UV unwrapping tutorials. Like this one: [introduction to uv unwrapping 1280x720 - YouTube][3]

UV’s arent completely necessary but are required if you want to have any textures on your mesh.

  1. It looks as if you missed some of the vertices when you were weighting your model to your rig. Hence the missing influence errors. So it might pay to go back and double check your weighting in weight paint mode in Blender.

  2. Lastly it looks like the main body of your mesh there has inverted normals, meaning you can see inside the model. You might need to double check if you need to flip your normals on the mesh.

Hope this helped, and I hope you fix those errors. Keep learning.