Having a large amount of blueprint actors

Hi, I am currently working on a large scale urban environment and I have about 2000+ blueprint actors (lamps) which has a spot light and sphere collison for trigger. I should be adding about thousand more of this same asset, however, it started to slow down editor performance when it reached actor count of 1000 so everytime I try to duplicate the BP actor, it lags for about 1-2 seconds. After duplication, it is relatively smooth in terms of moving the object, but it lags extremely when I try to rotate them.

Apart from editor performance, I think it also has quite a significant performance drop in-game as well as I can see about 30-40 fps drops when it is simulated (it reaches 100+ fps when paused).

I am dealing with this issue by placing static mesh actors of the same shape and replacing them with BP actors in post, but I would really like to know if there is any way to improve this.

The video in the link above will give you a brief overview of what I am doing.

Many thanks in advance for any response!

actors are fine but light sources are expensive, im impressed you got 2000+ out :open_mouth:

simplest advice is to start with them disabled, especially in editor and enable them when the playercharacter is in proximity

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It is already disabled by default and it is only set to turn on when a pawn overlaps with the sphere. The main issue is editor lag that dosen’t happen in an empty level. I am wondering if there is some sort of communication between the same BP classes? There is a brief loading bar when I duplicate the lamp BP something about reference. It was too brief to read the full text but I wonder if it has something to do with it.

is there anything in the construction script?

No, there isn’t any construction script and construction script update on drag option is ticked off even.

Just found out that changing light type from stationary to static or movable removes editor lag entirely. I am using lumen by the way.

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