Have the Infinity Blade Asset packs been discontinued in the move to Fab?

Hi there, a class I’m doing is requesting to download some Infinity Blade asset packs from Epic Games but only Ice Lands and Grass Lands are available. Is there any place one can find these packs? Are there plans to port over the others? Thank you for any answers.


crickets. i really need them as well but no response from anyone and there have multiple threads opened up about this. at this point, i think they are avoiding the question. were you able to find any asset packs? if so i am also looking for them spicifically effects. if you have a link it would be much appreciated.

Howdy, if you still need the packs you’ll either have to find another classmate or someone who already has those assets to share with you.

howeveeer, there is a github repository that has a few of the infinity blade assets stored, including I believe the effects pack you were looking for. If you know how to manually install plugins then this should be no problem.

I installed this plugin on UE4 and UE5 but assets didn’t want to load.
Have you tried by yourself?

Yeah it’s really unfortunate that the assets seem to be gone :frowning:

So where are Infinity Blade asset packs?

They’re not actually gone afaik. Maybe a mod will cross-link these 2 threads. But for now: