I have a class which created in c++ a car (it’s nearly the simple c++ class from the tutorial)
This sets up it’s mesh and anim in the constructor:
static ConstructorHelpers::FObjectFinder<USkeletalMesh> CarMesh(TEXT("/Game/Vehicle/Sedan/Sedan_SkelMesh.Sedan_SkelMesh"));
static ConstructorHelpers::FClassFinder<UObject> AnimBPClass(TEXT("/Game/Vehicle/Sedan/Sedan_AnimBP"));
So now I’d like to have multiple possible meshes and anim classes available for multiple cars.
I can not send a parameter to the constructor, I have to set the FObjectFinder in the constructor (unreal specifications).
So how can I do it now?
Is is possible to have these CarMesh in the .h, set multiple of them in the constructor and use the
later in the begin() for the one I want? How to it then, I can not find the functions for setting the text after it was implemented in the header.
Any ideas how to resolve it?