Hello, I am trying to get a UMG property that I created in C++ to show up in the Designer Editor so it can be placed and manipulated visually.
Specifically, I created a ComboBoxString that I need to manipulate in C++
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category = "Directory Widget")
UComboBoxString* Drives_ComboBox;
The following is in a ‘Directory’ class extended from UserWidget
Currently it is only showing up in the details window in the graph tab
However it won’t show up in either my hierarchy (expected) or palette (not expected because I would assume I would have to create a separate class for my specific ComboBoxString) windows and I am not sure how to get it to do so.
I would appreciate if anyone can help me out on getting this UMG property to show up. If I have to create a UClass just for the combobox that is fine, I am just not sure how to go about it.