Hello, i’m not an expert about blueprints, and just for curiosity, have some way to blend materials via blueprints? If yes, how can i do it?
Thanks for your attention.
Hello, i’m not an expert about blueprints, and just for curiosity, have some way to blend materials via blueprints? If yes, how can i do it?
Thanks for your attention.
as far as i know the only ways would be through vertex painting or if its a landscape which is much like vertex painting. other than that there are ways to fake it in one material but there are no ways to blend materials as that really comes down to what was done in the 3d modeling software outside of ue4.
You could use material layers and then control the parameters via blueprints.
They kindof changed some things around in 4.19, they did a livestream on using material layers.
if your trying to do something really simple, you may get away with using the lerp node and changing the “a” input to a parameter that you can adjust in blueprints.
Thanks for clarification. i’m sorry for the wait. This will help me.
About material layers, it’s not quite clear for me how can i affect parameters in layer stack through blueprints, can you give a hint?