Has Authority is Not being called Consistently when simulating lag

I am using anim notify to Call a function to finish Reloading at the end of Anim Montage using the following code

	if (MyCharacter == nullptr) return;
	bLocallyReloading = false;

	if (MyCharacter->HasAuthority())
		CombatState = ECombatState::ECS_Unoccupied;
		if (GEngine)
			GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage(-1, 1, FColor::White, FString::Printf(TEXT("Unoccupied")));

These function are on Component class made to handle Reloading and Firing with Enum to change State, the combat state is Replicated using RepNotify. The problem I am facing is that CombatState = ECombatState::ECS_Unoccupied Is Called inconsistently on Reload, the problem occurs 3 out of 5 times and locks you in the occupied state its inconsistent, some time it can happen on the first reload or some times on the 3 or 4th but it happens surely. Basically MyCharacter->HasAuthority() fails causing the problem is my guess Please Correct me if am wrong and Unoccupied is not being replicated on Client Consistently I think, is there a way make this consistent this only happens on client under network lag simulated.

Removed this from OnRep notify to RPC unreliable fixed the issue

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