I’m having some trouble with HandleStartingNewPlayer being called intermittently for clients, meaning that they aren’t being set up in the game properly after travelling to a new map.
I’ve checked in the client logs and it looks like they’re notifying the server with the ServerNotifyLoadedWorld RPC, but the server isn’t always calling ‘HandleSeamlessTravelPlayer’ for that specific player. Some games it is called for all players, sometimes just for a few, sometimes not at all.
I’m calling the Server Travel blueprint node on the GameMode as Run on Server Reliable, with absolute checked and should skip game notify unchecked.
I can see in the client logs that each player is initiating the server travel, sending NotifyLoadedWorld, and logging that the seamless travel has finished.
On the server logs, handle starting new player is always called for the host but intermittently called for connected clients.
I’m mainly using blueprints and running UE5.0.2 with Steam Sockets and Steam Advanced Sessions.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.