Hello everyone,
As you can see in the link, how can i attach functional watch and date on the hand ? Any tutorial or idea would be great !
Hello everyone,
As you can see in the link, how can i attach functional watch and date on the hand ? Any tutorial or idea would be great !
quick way… attach a widget to your bp motion controller
@generico thank you for idea but how can i make this watch functional (simple digital watch showing current time) ?
Create a widget, create a text field, create a variable from the field. Go to the event tick, and set the text for the variable of the text field. To generate the time, use Now -> Break, and BuildString (int)
For your wirst like generico said, but in in the controller blueprint as a widget component and once you want to interact with it you use a widget interaction component, define the event that should be generated (Trigger Pressed -> LeftmouseClick Pressed) and a button / silder etc. in the widget class to react on your input, but you can find good tutorials with the search term widget interaction component.
Thank you man @Hilarius86 i will try and post here…
Widget component is quite heavy in terms of performance, especially in VR. I’d recommend to use timer instead of tick (you only need to update a watch once per second, right?) and - more important - set RedrawTime property of the Widget component to 1.0. If you want to use this watch to show something else besides a time, use RequestRedraw method.
Hello Dear All,
@Hilarius86 @YuriNK, guys im really stuck if you can give me further info according to images it would be really grateful for me: how can i effect (showing time and date of windows) on to that texts (date_text & time_text) via now/break date time/buildstring or any other way ? In the widget i used buttons btw, i will add some functions after that challenge…
(time text) -> SetText
And use FormatText {hours}:{minutes}:{seconds} instead of BuildString.
Hey @YuriNK thank you very much, perfectly working now, here the result if you need to build for your own project guys!