HammUEr, a Hammer/Worldcraft map importer for Unreal Engine

Ah, that’s unfortunate. I guess I can import maps into a 4.10 version and open in 4.11 for the time being. Presumably there’s nothing that wouldn’t translate between the two once everything is imported.

Yeah, that should work fine.

Long as I’m in here, here’s some more cool piczzz of the wonders of hammuer with the WIP prop mesh importing, more on blog as is typical

That is awesome.

It’s fine, I just confirmation from Gabe Newell itself :smiley:

I’m still getting the same issue with the latest version, when importing a displacement.

They’re importing looking like this: http://imgur.com/ZG7BReF

Even though the displacement is ‘shallow’, the polygon edges are very obvious. Is this something I’m doing wrong or is this not expected to look right with the current version?

My biggest question about this is what is being done to support lightmaps? Can you build the lighting on these maps and still have everything lit correctly? I know .vmf doesnt contain lightmap information, but basically all lightmaps are is just another uv channel of the mesh.

Just did a couple of power 3 and 2 displacements, and even the explicitly harsh inclines/declines don’t look anything like what you’re getting there.
Maybe the material influences it, somehow?
Toss me the vmf (or pastebin it)?

How do you mean?
You can build UE lighting without problems, with a default size setting of your choice.

Here’s the VMF

The material I tested with is completely default, nothing linked up (no base colour etc) although the problem is still there with other materials. Here’s how it looks with the default grey dev texture: http://imgur.com/7p9OXmI

Not quite as obvious but still has very visible edges.

Maybe I’m not running the latest HammUEr? I downloaded what I thought was the most recent version, deleted the old, and added it in the plugins folder.

Almost has to be that.
This is what I get for that VMF with the last public prealpha I uploaded, 201601162330

Ok so it turns out I’m an idiot. My bad. I was downloading the top one from the list on gumroad because the last 3 digits were higher than the rest and it said 4.10. Realised this is the old version. Working now :slight_smile:

**Edit: **Little thing I’ve noticed; if multiple displacements are created (eg. 4x4 squares of power 3), after importing, the edges where the different pieces meet are quite obvious. It’s like the normals/shading isn’t blending seamlessly with other displacements, but it works fine within one displaced brush. I’ve done the “sew” command but I don’t think that makes a difference since I created all the displacements at the same time and modified them as one.

Im speaking of how are the lightmaps generated? Unreal doesnt do a fantastic job at autogenerating lightmaps (although it is good for most cases now). But are you able to make lightmap resolution consistent across all meshes imported, as in they all have the same density per face?

Unreal actually does a pretty good job of generating lightmaps - certainly for cases like this, where you’re importing something relatively primitive. Anyhow, that’s all that’s happening here - the brushes and displacements get imported as static meshes and Unreal generates the lightmaps.

Yeah, the builds are basically labeled <Year Month Day Hours Minutes>

Hm, I’ll look into it. Haven’t really noticed anything like that with the big-terrain-from-little-disps stuff I’ve tried importing.

How do you mean?
Like, different lightmap sizes for different meshes so that a 2x2x2 and a 1x1x1 cube look like they have the same resolution?
Because if that’s what you mean, then I don’t do anything special for that, no, the engine should take care of all that, really, since you can only set lightmap resolution per mesh.


Here’s the normal buffer of a 4x4 displacement, each section is to the power 3

And here’s how it looks lit:


The material is just blank except a solid grey colour linked up to the base colour, but as you can see, it’s the normals not blending properly. I’m using the CSGO version of Hammer. But maybe the problem is there in source engine just not as obvious due to the lack of reflections on displacement surfaces.

Should hopefully be taken care of in that build I upped a few days ago.
Also, there’s now a test build specifically for people wanting to try it with the latest preview of 4.11 too.

Some more teaser images to show I haven’t just been doing nothing.
(yes, I forgot to reset my lighting multiplier so everything is too harshly lit, but the lighting build took forever as it was)


Do you think you can port over a map from CSS or HL2 to show us a comparison?

No CSS or HL2-gen model support in yet (all the Source model file types are different, of course), I’m afraid.
Wanted to finish off Portal 2-gen first, but don’t worry, those are coming soon-ish.

Well hopefully when you get to the Orangebox branch of the Source engine that will open up quite a few games like Hl2, CSS, DOD, GMOD.

Portal 2-gen also seems to include L4D2, btw.
Will start working on HL2 soon-ish.

Ask, and ye shall receive.