*******, this is amazing stuff. Finally, a good, workable BSP-esque solution for UE4. I’m skint after Christmas, but I will absolutely be purchasing this once my next paycheque comes through. Totally stellar stuff.
Does it import all groups as separate meshes, or is it/could it be able to identify identical groups and import those as instances?
Quick question, how will updates be distributed? (If any)
EDIT: Seems my map is always crashing when trying to load in, is there any way to find out why?
+1 for this if it’s possible within hammer somehow
It does import all groups as separate meshes. No instancing yet
They will be put on the gumroad page, which should (hopefully) send you an email that there’s a new version available.
You can try loading it with verbose debug turned on (which might not give as much info as necessary, because if it’s a hard crash, UE might not flush the log file to disk before it goes down), or you can toss it my way and I can take a look at it
Sadly, this would be… hard to do right, given how the data is stored.
I could maybe rig up something (if this vague idea I just had pans out, maybe), but as soon as you rotate the group, all bets would be off.
Recent versions of Hammer - since L4D2, I think - have an Instancing function where you make an arch or whatever, have as many instances of it as you want at whatever locations/rotations, and when you modify one you modify them all. But I’ve never used it, and relying on it would only work for those more recent versions of Hammer and take other editors off the table, which would be bad.
I agree that that would be a seriously awesome feature if it could be done well.
Time for another work-in-progress shot.
Not perfect yet (and I haven’t actually applied the necessary rotations), but as you can see, SMD/MDL model importing (in the VtmB version, anyway, since the other Source model types all differ slightly, but you have to start somewhere) is in.
That looks really good.
Looks better
(Still not rotated the props as they should be)
Looks great, can’t wait to see an update!
Looking awesome
I noticed that when I import a map using a different scale (100.0 -> 300.0), no meshes are visible on finish and when I re-open the editor with the map, it crashes. (tested with latest alpha).
The log is full of:
[500]LogActorComponent: RegisterComponentWithWorld: (/Game/Maps/bhop_ue4.bhop_ue4:PersistentLevel.bhop_source_d_entitymesh_26540.StaticMeshComponent0) Trying to register component with IsPendingKill() == true. Aborting.
This one’s not on HammUEr, but on UE itself as far as I can see.
Did you re-import the whole thing over an existing import?
Because if there are already previous versions of the assets, it can sometimes take UE a while to catch up and re-save the new one, especially if there are almost 2000 meshes (I’m assuming this is the same vmf file you sent me before).
From the error message, it looks like the older versions that needed to be deleted and replaced by the new ones by UE are still in the asset files, which causes it to crash.
I tried this in a new project, but it seems that my scale setting was wrong anyway. I wanted to make the map bigger, so I thought I had to increase the number which was not true. I’ve set it to 30.0 and now it works fine.
Will this work with the 4.11 beta as if by magic? Or will it need specifically making to work with it when 4.11 is properly released?
Yeah, I’ve changed the tooltip a bit.
As the original said, “100cm is X original units”, so to make your map larger, you decrease your scale factor.
If the original Source unit is an inch, that would mean about 39.37
Downloading it now.
As long as they didn’t do a big change like the one from VS2013 to 2015 between 4.9 and 4.10, it should in theory work, but we’ll see.
Okay, so it needs to be rebuilt as yet another separate version… and doesn’t actually compile as is under 4.11 because of an unspecified FText error.
Guess I’m waiting for the final version of 4.11 before I try again.
A little poll about the scaling of props for Source maps.